The workshop will take place in the main building of Aalto University, located in Otakaari 1. The building is easily reached from the metro station (“Otaniementie” exit) in 1 minute and easily recognizable because of the outdoors auditorium. Mind on-site construction works on a nearby building (shaded area in the map). To enter the main building, use one of the entrances highlighted in the map.
Lunch will take place every day in the MAUKAS restaurant (in the Chemistry building, Kemistintie 1, a couple of minutes walk from the workshop venue). The workshop dinner will take place in the Fat Lizard restaurant, also very close to the workshop venue (Tietotie 1). All the main interest points are highlighted in the map below:
Within the main building, the workshop activities will be carried out in the cafeteria area in the U wing, ground floor. The lectures and presentations will be held in room U119 (“Deloitte”). The rump sessions will be split between room U119 and an adjacent room, U121b (“EY”). The posters will stand on the cafeteria floor (the cafeteria is closed during the summer). Coffee breaks will also take place here. Note that all three entrances highlighted can be used to enter the building in the morning; however, because of the summer holidays, only entrance 3 (“M entrance”) will remain open after 3:30pm.